Rafi the Schnoodle

What I learned from my dogs

最得意新作!新加坡海南雞飯 – Hainan Chicken Rice 13/09/2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — rafitheschnoodle @ 10:21 am


海南雞飯 DIY

這是我近期最得意作品!上星期有人突然說很想吃海南雞飯,我第一時間反應是 “阿我也很想吃阿,你來做阿(皺眉斜眼瞪)”~ 光想就覺得應該很麻煩又複雜。之後純粹好奇上網查做法,沒想到越查越有興趣,照片越看越餓,更重要的是發現好像沒想像的那麼難!於是我興奮的決定挑戰試做新加坡海南雞飯!(超容易上當)

網路上有很多食譜,但我是發摟Steamy Kitchen.com的海南雞做法(作者是在美國的亞洲美食得奬廚師Jaden Hair)。她的食譜簡單易懂,過去兩星期我就做兩次了!真的沒想到海南雞飯也是在家也能輕鬆做的一道菜~ 而且陳先生超愛,每次做海南雞飯都會不知覺的兩人吃四人份 XD


1. 先用鹽巴灑在雞肉表層幫忙去角質,是不是很幽默~ 據說可讓原本髒髒黃黃的雞皮變得白皙光滑,也就是海南雞皮的特色。但我必須承認我沒好好去角質,用手搓鹽超痛,沒弄幾下我就放棄了噗~ 下次我會買好手套再去角質嘿(以下可看到最後雞皮還是稍微醜醜的)



2. 去角質後先把鹽巴沖掉,再用新的鹽巴調味,並和蔥和薑片放入大鍋(在巴黎臨時買不到青蔥所以我用蒜苗哈哈,請忽略)加冷水後開大火煮。等水大滾後立刻轉小火再煮約30分鐘(小火時要確保水還是有小滾)




3. 煮雞湯的時候難免會有浦鱗出現,記得要撈掉!


4. 30分鐘後,為了確保雞肉有熟可用筷子插進雞腿的部位,流出來的水必須是乾淨的。若還有血水表示還要繼續煮。熟了後,用大湯匙輕輕的把雞腿撈出來,泡進一大鍋加冰塊的冷水立即冷卻,使雞肉較嫩並讓雞皮更有彈性(小心要用湯匙撈,否則用筷子夾怕會把皮夾破)。我們家沒有冰塊所以我用一大鍋水冰在冰箱很久很久(應該沒差多少?)冷卻後,海南雞就ready了!

海南雞飯 食譜



海南雞飯 新加坡

海南雞飯 醬

海南雞飯 用泰國米



這樣就完成了!完全沒想像的麻煩,也很多地方可偷步。希望大家有機會可試試看囉 😉 xo, Lilly

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Why do girls throw like a girl!?? 02/02/2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — rafitheschnoodle @ 10:17 pm

See, it’s all about how men posing bigger muscle and most of the time better athleticism? I came across this neuropathologist blog about the analysis of what and why is I’m the way I am. “Throwing like a girl”!

or this earlier one in the Atlantics.

Or the more recent phenome Erin DiMeglio

Indeed George played baseball for many years, especially since he was a little boy, I guess, it just comes natural to him though to throw a ball couple hundred yards away…

whereas I throw, um, s i m p l y P a t h e t i c a l l y

The big “throwback”is, how do I throw the tennis ball for Rafi?! Rafi loves to chase after his tennis ball and fetch it back. What a joy to see him running like that as a little dog. Now in reality I do own a ChuckIt stick (all dog owners knows about this, it is one of the best invention in pet product industry!!). Unless I carry the stick like a ninja with their long sword, it can be cumbersome during the walks down to the park! Why not throw the ball with my perfectly “designed” human arms?! Or not!

Nothing is more embarrass than trying to throw a ball for your dog with the ball ended up going backward and hit another park goer– happens to me all the time. I had to keep apologizing to my friends and those whom I don’t know. My perfect human arms aren’t so correctly put together I think. I have now leave the throwing to my husband and I simply prepare treat for the reward! “Good boys!”

This is unfair.



A new name for me. 24/07/2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — rafitheschnoodle @ 10:12 pm

“My new mommy decided that Ollie is such common name, for doggies anyway– but she says I am special and needs a new name!”

“I really liked the nice lady Elaine too when she calls me over.  She is my first mommy who has a nice big yard, gave me a bed, a toy and loved me so much as long as I could remember.  Maybe I will do something to the odd man and woman who insisted to keep me in their apartment and not letting me go with Elaine mommy….  Here I found a nice big bed, perfect for me to go wee wee and poo poo today.  Woo~~ ”

“I guess I don’t really like them.  The place they live is small and they don’t have any other children, two legged nor four that I can play with, boring!  Who are these two humans anyway?  I had some memory of the odd man, hereafter would be my new papa I guess, he held my rope and walked with me the day at that big shiny place– it was frightening!  All the other dogs were so loud!  Some of them wore a little vest saying something I don’t read… oh, I guess I did have one too.  All these humans walking around, the place is filled with all kinds of smells, mainly frighten doggy smell, like me.  But the man kept me by his side while I went and explore and met all the other dogs there: Keyla the Cockerpoo– such a nice lady and what’s-that-name-the-guy-who-keeps-on-barking and the big black Labrador  (so brave and so handsome– I want to look up to him!)”

“But I don’t remember the odd woman?  Where did she come from?  Well, she seems nice~ has very warm body and gentle hands when she tries to hold me.  Hmmm~ The man held me too– we sat in a blue-and-white striped sofa the whole night and then the woman came home with my own bed!  I immediately jumped into my bed and curled up with my toy.  I need to sleep so I can plan for the escape plan tomorrow.  Yes, first of all, after I wake up tomorrrrooooow moooooorniin, i aaam going to….”

“What? Did they mistake me as some dog else? My name is NOT RAFI!  My name is Ollie!  Uh, no… Charlie?”

I'm finally in my new bed

I'm finally in my new bed

So the name Rafi turns out to be (excuse me wikipedia):
1) a most popular Indian singer — most recorded singer.  gotta find him on you-tube.
2) short for Rafael — what we really wanted was to name him after Rafa Nadal except not really because that might be offensive to Rafa.  Can’t do that…
3) a male name used by Muslims and Jews. The word Rafi is of Arabic origin, and its meaning is “holding high” or “servant of the exalted one”. Common variants include “Rafik”, “Rafee”, “Raffi”, Rafiq and “Raffy”…. duh, I guess it is a good name then.

what it really is that I randomly thought of this and decided that this is a good one for a puppy. it has a nice click to it. just don’t know if our dog is really adapted to his new name~

oh, well, he is still my darling baby!– CH